Scouts have been given tickets to sell for the spaghetti dinner on March 4th. In order for the event to be a success we need each scout to sell all of the tickets they were given. Money or unused tickets must be turned in before noon on 3/4, but can be turned in at any meeting before that. If scouts need more tickets or if they didn't get a packet they can contact Mike Mike Dobbertin.
Sign up sheets are up in the church basement for Friday night and for Saturday during the dinner. Pleas sign up early in order to ensure that you get to work in your top choice area!
Pre-sale tickets for the Spaghetti Dinner are critical to our success. We realize that it may not always be easy to sell tickets on your own, therefore we are trying something new this year and hosting a ticket booth sale at K-Mart in Chili. We would like to get each scout to take one or more 1-hour shifts to sell tickets at K-Mart on either February 18 or 26. Parents do need to stay with their child and no more than 2 scouts should be at the table at any time. Your scout will receive the sale credit for any tickets sold at the table.
Please sign up for a time slot that works for you. See Stephanie or Lisa if there are any questions.