Boy Scout Troop 90 is pleased to announce that Parker Story and Connor Sargent have both earned the highest rank of Boy Scouts, Eagle Scout.
Parker’s Eagle Scout project consisted of putting on a benefit concert to collect non-perishable food items for those in need. He had attendance of over 100 people at the concert and collected over 1,000 non-perishable food items for The Father’s House Life Center in Downtown Rochester. Parker earned a total of 33 Merit Badges from 2009-2016 as part of his requirement to become an Eagle Scout. A sample of some of the badges he earned were: Citizenship in the Community, Theater, Environmental Science, Communication and Emergency Preparedness.
Connor’s Eagle Scout project consisted of creating care packages for troops overseas. After fundraising, he was able to generate enough money and product to send 33 care packages to military men and women serving on ships and foreign soil. Connor earned a total of 32 Merit Badges from 2009-2016 as part of his requirement to become an Eagle Scout. A sample of some of the badges he earned were: Citizenship in the Community and the World, Camping, Environmental Science, Communication and Emergency Preparedness. A minimum of 21 Merit Badges are required for any Eagle Scout.
Both scouts were joined by their parents, familiy and friends at the ceremony held at the First Baptist Church of Chili and followed with a celebratory reception.
“We are so proud of our troop and the leadership these young men provide through eagle scout projects that help our local religious institutions, schools and community,” said Keith Wimer, Scout Master. “We look to advance as many scouts as we can to the rank of Eagle and are always pleased with the creativity, thought and effort that go into the projects especially since fewer than five percent of Boy Scouts nationwide attain this illustrious rank.”
Troop 90 also celebrated their Spring Court of Awards honoring 5 scouts who advanced in rank and all scouts who earned Merit Badges. Ryan Johnson, Joshua Smith and Colin St. Lucia joined the troop at the Rank of Scout, Jonathan Miller advanced to Scout 2nd Class and Shane Auble advanced to Life Scout.
“We are very proud of the efforts of all of the scouts of Troop 90 and are pleased with the initiative put forth by our scouts and leaders who worked toward the completion of so many Merit Badges that are important to a scout’s advancement,” said Jeff Bishoping, Advancement Chairman.